Friday 27 June 2008

The "Shanghai Effect" - the right place, the right time

"Because of this word, my stock goes up" - can you guess the word?

The Shanghai Diaries is an (almost) daily vlog by Aric S. Queen on Current TV. It's the insider view on what life is like right now for many foreigners based in China, the ups and the downs, the "good China days" and the "bad China days". It's not what you get to see on the BBC or CNN etc. Aric is fairly realistic in his description of the show and more specifically the reason for it's success - he's in the city that everybody is watching at the moment, and unlike the foreign correspondents sent to China by the news networks, he can choose what he wants to cover, whether it be Visa clampdowns on foreign freelancers or the aftermath of the Sichuan earthquake.

So I guess, the old adage about being "in the right place at the right time" works here.

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